Agile leaders are quick and alert. This quality goes hand in hand with intelligence and foresight. Agile leadership can be a great advantage, so we asked the Coaching Leadership Council what it means to them to be an “agile leader” and why that’s important. This is how they define agile leadership and how it can impact your success today and tomorrow.

1. Being Open

Being agile is being open to shifting, getting feedback, and regularly starting as our work and environments are constantly changing. Create a vision for where you want your team, work, or organization to be in six months. Be inspired by it, but be open to adapting it.

2. Being Accepting and Present

An agile leader embraces a “yes, and” attitude, is present in the moment, and is open to new ideas and possibilities. These leaders leverage their skills, talents, and resources to meet current needs. The only constant changes, so agility allows leaders to respond and lead confidently when ambiguity is present.

3. Collaborating

The shift from corporate hierarchy to a collaborative network is still only a few years away. However, we see the future of work as more cooperative, co-created, and complex. Leadership is about adapting quickly to changes and putting the team first to solve problems. That is what keeps companies agile and competitive.

4. Being Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

A rigid leader does what makes them feel comfortable and familiar no matter what. On the other hand, a flexible leader adapts to current conditions, even if they feel uncomfortable doing so.

5. Always Listening

Super-P Leader and agile leaders listen to their teams, markets, partners, clients, and even competitors. They are not limited by how things have always been done and are ready to respond to any information they receive.

By Admin

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